VFW Post 3267 Events

Monthly Members Meeting 1st Thursday of the Month @ 6:45 pm


12/07/2023 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
01/04/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
02/01/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
03/07/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
04/04/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
05/02/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
06/06/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
07/04/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
08/01/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
09/05/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
10/03/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting
11/07/2024 6:45 PMVFW Membership Meeting


 VFW Post 3267 FaceBook Page


 Order of Posting

Post 3267 Member Events & Special Events

Monthly Events open to the Community 


Monthly Post 3267 Member Activities

VFW Post 3267 Members Workdays on Thursdays starting at 0800hrs - Good Day for those looking to Join to stop by!

VFW Post 3267 Board Meeting - Last Thursday of the month - 1800hrs - All Members Welcome!


2023 Special Events 

VFW Members Only! - District 2 Meeting

TBD from 9 am - 12:30




Open to the Public!

Monthly Concealed Carry Class -

Justin Laborde  (504) 382-6720 

Craft Shows - (504) 777-0203 for booth information



2023 Monthly Events 

Civil Air Patrol


Civil Air Patrol - Pontchartrain Cadet Squadron

POC Commander Robin Soroe - (504) 909-0032

Weekly Meetings - Tuesdays 1830 hours - 2100 hours (6:30 pm - 9 pm)

Established in 1941, Civil Air Patrol is the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force


Quilting Circle - Newcomers Welcomed! 

Normally the 4th Thursday of the month at 9:30 on a space available basis

Call (504) 446-1550 Option 4 to verify dates -

Please leave a voicemail as we are not open daily



This class meets the requirements in order to obtain a State of Louisiana Concealed Carry Permit

 Doors open at 7:30 am

Classroom starts at 8:00 am and runs until 2 or 3:00 pm followed by Range Time

- NRA & State Certified Concealed Carry Instructor

  Info & Registration call Justin Laborde  (504) 382-6720 

 The Class dates changes on a month-by-month basis - check back for future dates 



 SCV - Beauregard Camp No. 130

 Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month starting at 6 pm on a space-available basis


6:15 pm Dinner
7 pm Business Meeting

The SCV, in furtherance of the Charge of Lieutenant General Stephen D. Lee, shall be strictly patriotic, historical, educational, fraternal, benevolent, non-political, non-racial and non-sectarian. The SCV neither embraces, nor espouses acts or ideologies of racial and religious bigotry, and further, condemns the misuse of its sacred symbols and flags in the conduct of same. Each member is expected to perform his full duty as a citizen according to his own conscience and understanding.

It's about preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States of America an Oath of Enlistment every United States Military personnel takes.  Also required of the president of the United States of America